

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Petite fleur solitaire

Dans un champ désert repose une petite fleur triste:
"Je ne me sens pas belle, je suis désolée."
Oubliée du monde et solitaire, désarmée,
Impuissante, au spectacle cruel de mère nature elle assiste.

Elle est belle, cette petite fleur, mais comment le savoir
Quand, unique dans son genre, entourée par des plantes jalouses,
Elle se fait repousser? "Pas de place pour elle ici," on l'accuse.
Peu à peu, sa confiance s'envole, et meurt son espoir.

À qui la faute de cette grande injustice, à qui le blâme
D'avoir poussé parmi tant d'autres plantes, mais si différente?
À qui le choix de son destin, à qui cette responsabilité errante?
À quoi bon son existence, quand sans amour elle n'aura plus d'âme?

Shaula Antares
14 août 2014

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

All-time favorite quotes

"Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring souls." (Gibran, The Prophet 50)

"Allow each soul to walk its path." (Gibran, The Prophet)

"Speak your latent conviction and it shall be the universal sense; for always the inmost becomes the outmost." (Emerson, "Self-Reliance")

"No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature." ("Self-Reliance")

"(...) but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." ("Self-Reliance")

"Misunderstood! It is a right fool's word. Is it so bad then to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.”

"Insist on yourself; never imitate." ("Self-Reliance")

"Society is a wave. The wave moves onward, but the water of which it is composed, does not." ("Self-Reliance")

"Every man's condition is a solution in hieroglyphic to those inquiries he would put." ("Nature")

"The millions are awake enough for physical labor; but only one in a million is awake enough for effective intellectual exertion, only one in a hundred millions to a poetic or divine life. To be awake is to be alive." (Thoreau, Walden)

"We do not ride on the railroad; it rides upon us." (Walden)

"Our life is frittered away by detail." (Walden)

"I have a great deal of company in my house; especially in the morning when nobody calls." ("Solitude")

"No man ever followed his genius till it misled him." ("Higher Laws")

"The eye of desire dirties and distorts."
(Hesse, My Belief - "Concerning the Soul")

"If [the soul] were untrammeled we would converse together like Goethe's characters and feel every breath as a song." ("Concerning the Soul")

"Soul is love, soul is the future." ("Concerning the Soul")

"I am writing from the grave. On these terms only can a man be approximately frank. He cannot be straitly and unqualifiedly frank either in the grave or out of it." (Mark Twain, 'Autobiography')

"I don't know what bothered me more, seeing that many live maggots or seeing a dead body move" (The Bone woman, 11)

Une vieille légende hindoue

Une vieille légende hindoue raconte qu'il fut un temps où les hommes étaient des dieux.Hélas, ils abusèrent tellement de leur pouvoir divin que Brahma, le maître des dieux, décida à leur ôter leur divinité et à la cacher à un endroit où il leur serait impossible de la retrouver.Le grand problème fut donc de lui trouver une cachette sûre.

Les dieux mineurs, convoqués en conseil pour résoudre ce problème, proposèrent ceci: “Enterrons la divinité de l’homme dans la terre.” Mais Brahma répondit: “Non, cela ne suffit pas, car l’homme creusera et la retrouvera.” Alors, les dieux proposèrent: “Dans ce cas, jetons la dans le plus profond des océans.” Mais Brahma répondit: “Non, car tôt ou tard l’homme explorera les profondeurs de tous les océans et je suis sûr qu’un jour il la trouvera et la remontera à la surface.”

Alors, les dieux mineurs conclurent: “Nous ne savons pas où la cacher, car il ne semble exister sur terre ou dans la mer aucun endroit que l’homme ne puisse atteindre un jour.” Enfin, Brahma hocha la tête et dit: “ Je sais ce que nous ferons de la divinité de l’homme.Nous la cacherons au plus profond de lui-même, car c’est là le seul endroit où il ne pensera jamais à la chercher.”

Depuis ce temps-là, conclut la legende,l’homme fait le tour de la terre, explore, escalade, plonge et creuse en vain, à la recherché de quelque chose qui se trouve en lui.

Source: Google

A Healthy Mind In A Healthy Body

Dear So and So,

What the hell are you doing?

I'm trying very hard to keep all systems going: brain, heart, liver, GI, lungs, the whole shebang. And what do I get from you? A bag of chips and a pop.

This isn't going to help. Let's try focusing, shall we?

Here's my deal.

You give me something to eat right after you wake up, and I don't mean a donut and a coffee, and I'll make sure you don't pass out at your desk before lunch.

And that midday meal would come in handy. I just can't think clearly if you aren't going to give me something with protein around 12:00 noon. A nutrient dense egg would be nice, maybe some heart healthy beans, or how about a nice roasted turkey sandwich on whole grain bread? Remember that time all you had for lunch was a latte and then you inadvertently pushed send and that pissed off email that was supposed to go to the Mayor ended up going to your boss? Nice one, that's what happens when you don't have any protein at lunch.

I'd love to have a snack around 4:00 pm so you don't have to give the finger to the guy that cut you off. I need your blood sugar to be on an even keel when you're driving a ton of steel through traffic.

And how about dinner? Please let's stop snarfing down fast food. Would it kill you to eat some veggies? As a matter of fact it will if you don't. I'm not playing hard ball here, just letting you in on the facts.

I've sent warnings. That rise in blood pressure, the breathless feeling you get after walking up the stairs, the whole tingling thing in your left arm; but so far nothing. Don't make me smite you.

Give me a break here. I can only do so much given the fuel you keep putting in. 'Cause, you know I saw the premium gas going into the car. What the vehicle is more important than me? The dog eats better. Come on, it's National Nutrition Month and you're doing really badly.

How about trying for five servings of fruits and five servings of vegetables tomorrow? Whole grains would be nice. So would a handful of unsalted nuts. What about eating salmon a couple of times a week? How about adding an apple a day? Washed well, peel left on. You can carry it to work. Hey, try checking out Canada's Food Guide; your tax dollars at work.

I just don't know how much longer I can keep doing my bit if you don't come on board. You need to try a little harder. Who am I kidding? You need to try a lot harder.

Your Body.

Source: Google

...exhausted mind?

Da.. era o seara (nu prea placuta ce-i drept)de sfarsit de octombrie.. Pacat ca nu potriveste descrierii basmelor, dar ce sa-i faci. Cam frig afara, departe de a picta macar un colt de cadru romantic.. In fine. Pe-atunci am semnat un nou contract cu soarta - parea promitator. Timpul a trecut incet incet, procentajul de compatibilitate scadea putintel. In orice caz, ideea ca nimeni nu este perfect e vehiculata de un amar de vreme si inca e un mare adevar. Mereu va fi. In cazul asta, mici incoveniente sunt trecute cu vederea in modul cel mai usor.

Ceea ce ma distreaza mai mult in toata povestea asta, despre care nu are absolut nici un rost sa intru in detalii, e ca pe cat parea de euforica precum experienta pe toata perioada cat a durat, pe atat s-a dovedit de "tragica" la sfarsit.
Si da, am mai auzit de povesti de-astea la nesfarsit. Doar ca nu mi se intamplasera mie niciodata (adica sa nu fiu eu cea care face primul pas spre despartire). Mereu am fost cea care s-a 'plictisit' la un moment dat, ca sa zic asa, si am decis ca fiecare s-o ia pe drumul lui. Am frant inimi, am facut ce n-am facut - niciodata intentionat totusi (sa fie asta o consolare? nu prea cred..)..

In fine. Experiente ‘destule’ (in general) cat sa mai avansez si eu in viata. Pasi de furnica, de urias, nu stiu sincer, nu i`am masurat :), dar putin conteaza. Nu ma simt ca si cand am inaintat orbeste, asa ca eu zic ca e de bine.
Rupturile sunt ... dureroase. Cu atat mai mult cu cat sunt imprevizibile. O zi iti spune ca te iubeste, a doua zi dispare. Totul parea sa fi mers ca pe roate. Si atunci, cum sa se descurce mintea cu evenimente aflate la extremitati opuse? Mi se pare ca nu prea bine. Un reflex normal e sa incerci sa pui totul cap la cap. Dar nici asta nu e intotdeauna solutia ideala. Mintea umana e dotata de imaginatie bogata, cateodata chiar prea bogata. Asa ca in cazul asta, tortura asta psihica e chiar inutila. Dar cum sa opresti vocea adanc inradacinata intr-o minte epuizata? Cam greu cateodata.

(to be continued, I guess..)


De si-ar putea unii cumpara un gram de creier...

Bine ar fi!!

Nene... prostia e eterna pentru unii... m-am convins de lucrul asta demult.Si cu toate astea, la fiecare idiot continuu sa ma minunez. De unde atata inteligenta acuta? N-o luati pe aratura cu interpretarile, ca nu se da nimeni Einstein aici. Dar ma uit in jurul meu si nu pricep o iota. Cum perdeaua mea sa fii chiar asa cioban fara gram d maniere.. Ia cum le-om mai gasi scuze si la prapaditii astia.N-au avut de unde invata? Poate, dar putin imi pasa mie. Chiar putin. De vazut vad bine, sa-si deschida dom'le ochii. Dar am vazut ca multi se nasc defecti, nu-i mai repara nici michidutza.. Dar ce traista lui Jerry (amicu` lui Tom) e asa greu sa fii politicos in ziua de azi?!?!?!?!?! Intrebarea mileniului.. care vine cu raspunsul, primeste Corvette-ul meu ala galben si sexy de sta cuminte acolo in galeria auto si-mi tot face cu ochiul , doar doar ma decid sa il cumpar! Eu pe prostii astia.. i-as pune pe toti intr-o barca, i-as avanta in larg si-as trimite un tsunami dupa ei, sa-i mangaie putin. Sau de-ar veni si i-ar rapi extraterestrii, as plange dupa ei cu pico-lacrimi sparte in nano-bucatele si iar impartite in micro-parti si asa mai departe. Cu alte cuvinte, infinit cu - in fata. Adica 0 (lacrimi). Hai ca oricum nu ma omor dupa mate. Mereu am urat-o.

Revenind la oile noastre clonate si rezultate in zombiutze.. Cui ii place sa asiste la show`uri interminabile de prostie nemarginita, destinatia: autobuz. Nu cumva sa cedeze locul bietei femei batrane, stau ei fraieri bine facuti sau ele Barbie in devenire, stau pe scaun si pierd vremea ca doar sunt prea tampiti ca sa isi ocupe timpul cu ceva util! (Stati linistiti, dragi cititori, babutzele canadiene sunt sofisticate pe langa cele din Ro.. no offense, stiti voi la care ma refer). Ideea era ca ti-ar fi si drag sa le cedezi locul. Dar ti-ai gasit, spune-i lui Bula pierdut in spatiu. Si pricepe el ce unde cand si cum. Daca stie sa-si scrie macar numele corect, n-o fi un specimen chiar complet esuat. Ha ce consolare. Dar cel mai mult imi plac gasculitzele. Ce drag mai le e sa vorbeasca. Mi-ar fi si mie drag de ele daca nu mi-ar sparge timpanul. Serios. Eu una intentionez sa-mi pastrez auzul, e chiar practic, zau asa. "Dar iata ies in cale/ Zece gashte mergand agale./ Si vorbesc, se sfatuiesc/ Urla de nebune, se inghiontesc." John in stanga, Mike in dreapta..barfe ultimul racnet, frate! wow daca nu le aflam, si muream!

Of si iar vai .. dar imi place cum se ineaca oamenii astia in mandrie. Ca nimeni altii. Cunosc persoane care ar avea motiv sa fie mandre, dar nu sunt. Si se gasesc puii astialalti de "Einstein" sa se umfle-n pene. He, ce ti-e si cu expresia "Prostul nu e prost destul daca nu e si fudul". Doamne cat adevar! Eu....optimista defel, tot sper.. doar doar .. s-o gasi o solutie si la prostia asta. O injectie de neuroni ceva?? Somebody....s.....o.....s...... sau mai degraba, their souls... ca sunt condamnate bine. Tinerii astia saracii n-au habar ce vor de la viata, dar sunt experti in a-si etala prostia. Ei, macar stiu si ei sa faca ceva! Sa-si dea importanta, geniile mileniului.. poate ii si crede careva ca sunt si ei cineva.. Nici in vise. Apropo.. vise placute lor. Am plecat. Ma cheama datoria. Topor in mana dreapta, mitraliera-n stanga, si la vanat cu mine. Operatiunea "Eradicati prostii" a inceput. Urati-mi noroc.

(iunie 2008)

Friday, December 4, 2009

my self and I

Emerson once argued that “the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude” (“Self-Reliance”).
How many of us haven’t had at least one moment in their life when we started questioning ourselves: “Am I being myself right now?”, “Am I trying to make others happy by betraying, even unconsciously, my own beliefs?”, and the list could go on forever. I sure know I have had such moments.
I have always thought that I have to be myself all the time, no matter what. Easier said than done, right? I know... especially when you are being bombarded from everywhere, with all sorts of ‘foreign’ opinions. You just wake up and you don`t know what hit you. It sure wasn’t a Boeing 737, was it?
Sorry folks, if ever you read this, dunno what hit me, but it seems like my philosophical self wanted to make itself heard, but fell asleep in-between. Smart move, huh? I’d say so. It’s only 9:21 (AM!!!!) and I just woke up and.. oh, it’s Friday and I`m not at school :D - lucky me, don’t you think?
People have always said I TALK a lot. Well, what do you know, seems like I also WRITE a lot. It’s fun, don`t you agree? If there’s no one to turn deaf, then maybe try to turn someone blind with my endless text. Okay I guess I am starting to go too far with all this. I’ll retreat.. But I guess I’ll be back soon! So, beware?
Seriously now people, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I am not crazy (not according to my standards anyway! :) ). And if I am misunderstood, then tant mieux. Emerson has got my back: “Is it so bad to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood” (“Self-Reliance”). No, I don’t think I am a genius, nor the wisest person on this planet.
I am myself and nothing more.